by Alyson Morgan

Making the most of it. We’ve got big snowflakes falling from the sky and I’ve got a pot of veggie scraps broth on the stove. This is one way we reuse food “waste” in our kitchen. Scraps can go to the chickens, the vermicompost bin in the basement, the outdoor compost, and into our veggie broth. Coffee grounds usually go to the plants.
This is one way we reuse food “waste” in our kitchen. Scraps can go to the chickens, the vermicompost bin in the basement, the outdoor compost, and into our veggie broth.We freeze the tasty bits (turmeric and ginger peels, carrot tops, left over onion and garlic skins) until we’ve gathered enough and when are ready, we toss them in a pot with water. To this, I added some wilting celery, bay leaves, burdock, rosemary, reishi, and an extra carrot. We’ve been making nourishing veggie and bone broths all winter to use in soups and for sipping, and saved a few dollars and reduced waste from those tetra pac broth containers.
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