by Sarah Holstrom

Do you ever have those days where you feel like you could cry at any second? Well I’m only three months postpartum so truly I feel entitled to the tears without reason whenever I want! BUT today feels different. I just feel so grateful.
I have so many hopes and desires for my life, for our future- for my kids- for my husband, but today I just feel so damn lucky to be right here, right now. The world can be such a yucky place. There is so much hate all around, but we don’t have to be swallowed up by it. Instead, we can choose love. Love never fails. Love always wins.
Let’s make our love wild and messy. Let’s paint outside of the lines and let’s let our love spill over onto everyone around us! Let’s not be afraid! Let’s pull people in, add chairs to our dinner tables, and smile at strangers so they know that you see them!Let’s make our love wild and messy. Let’s paint outside of the lines and let’s let our love spill over onto everyone around us! Let’s not be afraid! Let’s pull people in, add chairs to our dinner tables, and smile at strangers so they know that you see them! Let us not underestimate the power of tiny gestures made out of great love! Spread the love and make someone smile today!
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