by Kayla Lobermeier

January and February are typically my months to catch up on crafting and making the things I dream up in the summer. It’s the one time of year that I feel the least bit guilty for sitting on my behind and knitting most of the day, reading, and making little crafts. Otherwise I feel like I should be outside pulling weeds.
I made these little beeswax fire starters a couple of weeks back now that we have a wood stove in our cottage. They’re made with all natural materials; most likely things you have lying about the house/yard.I made these little beeswax fire starters a couple of weeks back now that we have a wood stove in our cottage. They’re made with all natural materials; most likely things you have lying about the house/yard. Super easy - it literally takes minutes to throw these together and they cost hardly anything! Plus, they work really well. With the beeswax, the burn time is significantly longer lasting than any commercial fire starter I’ve used. So nice!
DIY here.
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